Many problems that occur with pools are due to failures of dosing, filtering or circulation.
Please use this incomplete list of issues with some potential solutions to try and help diagnose what is wrong in your case. We hope this rough guide will point you in the right direction.
Alternatively, you can contact us by email or phone 0808 1567190 and we will try to assist.
Algae and Mold Growth
Most of these are caused by low sanitizer, poor maintenance, circulation and/or water balance. Prevention is better than cure but aggressive treatment is normally the answer when detected.
Green Algae (murky greenish water, floating in pool)
Possible solution:
- Super Chlorination, raising to 20ppm in the pool overnight followed by backwash and dechlor to lower chlorine to below 5ppm
- Check pH is between 7.2 – 7.4 (check dosing system working correctly, or add Poolminus to Lower pH (based on pool size & volume)
- Clean the filter/backwash
- Check the pool pump system
Black Algae (tough to clean black spots on the pool bottom)
Possible solution:
- Algaecide
- Brushing
- Clean the filter
- Check the system
Mustard Algae (yellowish-gold clinging to pool bottom or walls or gives water a yellow-green tinge)
Possible solution:
- Algaecide and brushing.
Pink Slime (bacterial growth that brushes off easily)
Possible solution:
- Brushing
- Raise the chlorine level to 20ppm overnight, backwash and reduce chlorine levels using dechlor to less than 5ppm
- Clean the filter
- Check the system
Water Mold (white tissue-like mucus in the water)
Possible solution:
- Shock Treatment and Algaecide
- Clean the filter
- Check the system
Discoloured Water and Other Contaminants
Chlorine Demand
When the pool cannot maintain free chlorine level or cannot reach high combined chlorine, this is often caused by environmental contaminants or poor maintenance.
Possible Solution:
- Shock chlorinate to 10ppm circulate overnight and backwash filter
- reduce chlorine to below 5ppm using dechlor.
Cloudy Water
Water hazy. Difficulty seeing the bottom of the pool through extreme cloudiness. Typically caused by – Poor filtration and circulation, chloramines or low sanitizer, poor water balance, particulate matter.
Possible solution:
- Check the pump and filter
- Clean and run the pump continuously
- Shock treatment
- Balance the water
- Use small amount of Poolclear in the filter basket